Challenge: SWIFT Webpage
By Trish Bauman
What did you create, and why?
I created a 6th grade webpage
on SWIFT, which is an effective online tool for my classroom. It is an easy way
to communicate with parents and families (Component 4c) in the Danielson
Framework. It also is and easy way to organize webpages, links, documents etc.
What went well for you?
SWIFT is very easy to use
and add to. I have linked it to the
other 6th grade teacher’s SWIFT website.
What was challenging?
One challenge that I faced
was trying to a pdf into the documents page. I cannot upload pictures as link
on SWIFT quits on me.
What did you enjoy?
Everything is organized in
one place- websites, programs, and information for Camp Orkila etc.
I like that parent can email me right from it.
What ideas do you have for
using this tool with your students, grade level, staff or to communicate with
I give the parents the
website to my SWIFT page at the beginning of the school and show them it at
conference time. I plan on adding the Google Calendar to my webpage.
On my Home page is current
information for student/parents; the Announcement page has information about
our STEM Club; the discussion page has a discussion question about salmon; I
love the Documents page I can upload assignments and documents that might not
make it home; the homework page explains our planner; I love, love, love the
Links page as it contains links that we use on a regular basis and my newly
created 3X3 links; the Practice Quiz is used to reinforce something we are
teaching and the Contact page is very useful for students and parent to contact
me by email.
I love the fact that you connected this to the Danielson Frameworks. This is a terrific way to keep parents informed about what is happening. You can also create a Google Calendar for your class and embed it on the site to help inform parents of upcoming events or due dates for projects.