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Friday, May 27, 2016

Google Classroom Challenge

Challenge: Google Classroom
By Tiffany Morgenweck
·                     What did you create, and why? 
    • I created a Google Classroom for my second graders to answer questions, publish writing assignments, and view videos that relate to our learning in class.
·                     What went well for you?
    • I’ve been working with Google Classroom since last year. I had the basics down of how to create assignments, get students used to logging in, and publishing student work. The tutorials included are very informative and easy to follow. There are also many great YouTube videos to use.
·                     What was challenging?
    • I had trouble with the grading portion, and never really understood how to do it. After using the tutorial I can now see how easy it is, and such an effective way to give instant feedback. I’ve tried a couple and look forward to using it more in the future.
·                     What did you enjoy? 
    • I enjoy teaching my students how to use Google Docs and Google Slides to post their writing. We’ve created rules together for using the tool bar to research for pictures and include them in our published work. They really like to do this. We’ve decided that they need to do all of their typing first. Then the limit per document is 5 pictures, and 1 picture per slide, using google slides.
·                     What ideas do you have for using this tool with your students, grade level, and staff or to communicate with families? 
    • I taught my grade level how to use it last year, and not it’s become a consistent tool that parents know we use. I’ve created an eVal google classroom and staff meeting google classroom for our staff to use. Families are aware that we use google classroom and can have their students share work with them at home, if they have internet access.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see that this has been a reliable tool for you. I hope that you find the grading tool helpful for your feedback.
