Challenge: Google Docs
What did you create, and why? I really didn't need to create a document today. What I really needed to do was to practice with some of the features of Google Docs that I hadn't used before. I created a mish-mash of features that I hadn't used in Google Docs before, or I hadn't used well.
What went well for you? I really liked the research tool. I loved how it added the source information right onto my document. I also liked using the Voice to Type feature and the Translation feature. It left a bit to be desired, but was pretty impressive.
What was challenging? I didn't quite get the Table of Contents figured out. I also need more practice with tables.
What did you enjoy? I really enjoyed just getting to play with different features.
What ideas do you have for using this tool with your students, etc? I want to do more collaborative work with teachers using Google Docs.
I like what you did to practice using some of the great features in Docs. It's a wonderful tool to use collaboratively with teachers and students. It makes note-taking a snap!