Google calendar link
So, if you would like to see the calendar I made for my Library TA, please feel free to select the link above. I put in some reminders for her and set them to help her out when she is headed to class with me. I know it may seem silly, but I really do take watering the plants seriously, as I really don't want to kill the plants in the library.
It's fairly easy to use the Google Calendar interface, since I use it heavily in my own life. This whole activity went pretty well for me. I didn't have any huge hiccups or stumbles. I really enjoy that I can link the calendar to my phone's calendar and I have access to it wherever. I also like that I can see my significant other's calendar as well, so we can track who is where when. We both are busy so it keeps us on task. Also, I like the fact that I can set reminders, as well as have a standard set of reminders be put in right away within the settings.
I think my challenges in this challenge was finding enough activities to put into the calendar. As I don't have a normal class load for a teacher (I'm in the library this semester), I don't have a ton to put in. I had to be somewhat creative. But I like the idea of having the ability for her computer to remind her to do tasks, rather than me nagging.
I think there is a lot of cool ways to use this technology. I already use it for my school's library check out. Not everyone uses it all the time, but I have one place I can always point them to when they are asking if they can come into the library. It helps me be organized as well. We also use it to communicate the link to our school's video announcements every day. We preload the links so they are ready and each teacher is able to just copy and paste when the day starts. That really helps with getting the announcements out to everyone.
Using this as a TA Calendar is pretty creative and makes it easier to communicate tasks with them. I know I always would think about tasks when the student wasn't in my room so this makes a great way to share the schedule and have a record of what their job entailed.