Challenge: 3 x 3
By Tiffany
What did you create, and why?
o I created a 3 X
3 homepage for my student’s laptops, to make navigating different learning
sites easier for my students.
What went well for you?
o This was a
pretty easy creation; if following the directions given. The recommendations
for different teacher’s 3 x 3 links also gave a lot of great ideas.
What was challenging?
o I didn’t really
run in to any challenges, seemed pretty straight forward.
What did you enjoy?
o I enjoyed the
ease of creating the 3 x 3 homepage. I think it will be much easier to lead
class online learning with this tool.
What ideas do you have for using this tool with
your students, grade level, and staff or to communicate with families?
o I will use this
tool as a startup page for my students. I will share this homepage link with my
grade level if they’d like to use this 3 x 3 homepage as well. For any staff
that are interested in creating their own, I will assist them as needed. This
tool will help families at home that would like a quick page to go to when wanting
their students to do some online learning at home.
My 3 x 3 link:
I hope that you find this homepage useful.