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Thursday, June 9, 2016

Fractured Fairy Tale Graphic Organizer

What did you create and why?

I created an online graphic organizer for third or fourth grade students to use as a pre-write for a fractured fairy tale.  This is a writing lesson I have used in the past, but I will save paper and copying costs by sharing this link with students.

Alternately this could be used to analyze a fractured fairy tale and compare it with the traditional story.

What went well for you?

I have created a similar organizer in Microsoft Word.  I figured out how to use the Google Doc features.  I realized that I didn't need to format the page with space for students to write.  As they type, the page will expand to accommodate their writing.

What was challenging for you?

I still need to learn how to create a graphic in Google Drawings and add it too a Google Doc.

What did you enjoy?

I enjoy creating supplemental materials for students.  I am currently looking through previously taught lessons and considering how to improve them with technology.

What ideas do you have for using this tool with your students?

Once I have my Google Classroom up and running, I can include documents like this one for writing assignments.  As a substitute, I have access to this lesson in every school in the district.  I can share it with a student who needs something extra, or pull it out for an emergency lesson.

1 comment:

  1. The great thing with using Google Docs is that you can provide students feedback through comments as they are working on their assignment. Inserting a drawing into docs can be done through the Insert Menu.
